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February Week 7 2015

Last Sunday the three of us drove about three hours from Matauri Bay to Matakana where we rented a bach (slang for beach house!) with a (mostly) different group of people. There we drank more beer, ate more good food, and played way more mafia (Michael is officially obsessed). Our house was only about a two-minute walk to Buckleton Beach. It was relatively small but perfect for walking along, with water as clear and warm as the water in Matauri Bay (same ocean or something I guess). It was also the perfect beach for beach yoga, which actually does have some benefits over non-beach yoga (mostly for doing headstands)! On the less fun side I got hit in the face with a Frisbee and broke my sunnies (slang for sunglasses. I’m learning so much!). On Wednesday we drove back to the city and immediately began our apartment hunt.

Because we’re trying not to spend too much money but haven't had access to our computers, going to the movies has been a great source of entertainment. We’ve seen Selma (GREAT!), Kingsmen, and Fifty Shades of Grey (I know, I know). Michael’s sent his CV to every movie theater in Auckland in hopes of finding a job before he goes totally crazy. We’ve also taken numerous walks, including one to the University of Auckland! On Saturday we bought tickets to see a game in the Cricket World Cup: NZ vs. Australia on February 28. I also went to my first yoga class in Auckland on Sunday. It was a legitimate Bikram class and I’m not sure if I loved it but I have to go back since I payed $30 for a 7 day trial. I suppose the last important bit of information to include in this post is that Saturday we got approved for an apartment!!! It’s small but it’s got a balcony and a great view so we’ll find a way to deal.

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