January Week 56 2016

This week we finally got the weather we’ve been waiting for! On Wednesday Michael and I saw the movie Joy, and it was absolutely terrible. Then on Saturday we met some friends at the Chinese New Year Festival in a part of town we haven’t spent a lot of time in. There we ate some delicious Chinese food, saw some adorable little girls dance, and wondered through a pretty cool market area. After we walked to Cornwall Park and hung out and looked at some sheep for an hour or so before heading home. On Sunday we went to Long Bay with friends and had a beautiful day at the beach! It was sunny and hot and the water was the perfect temperature to be refreshing but comfortable. We had a picnic and played a bit of beach cricket before driving back to the city. On the downside this day resulted in the worst sunburn I’ve had since I got here, even with the copious application of sunscreen.